Malware Captured in Art

The Museum of Malware Art captures the dark side of our digital world. Through our collections and exhibitions, we explore the history, present and future of cyber attacks: the motivations behind them, the ethical considerations of digital security and malware's effects on individuals, companies and societies.

We are opening in Wood City 2 in

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Blending art, technology and culture, we create immersive and thought-provoking exhibitions that invite visitors to experience the world of cyber threats. Our aim is to demystify cyber threats through visible representations and serve as a platform for discussion about our roles as technology users, the importance 
 of cybersecurity in societies and how to build a safer world. 

During SPHERE24, we are unveiling our first installation of the Museum of Malware Art – Threatscape. Threatscape is an interactive installation that allows viewers to see and capture malware from real threat-data with their bare hands. The work combines gesture recognition, TouchDesigner and StableDiffusion technologies in a unique way, making previously unseen cyber threats tangible and prompting reflection on the constantly changing cyber security landscape.